I broke my card reader so I can't share photos today but I do have a watercolor painting I did years ago that I saved onto my hard drive. It is, of course, of my favorite subject. A cat.
So I am back on the coast and happy to be back home. I went out and took pictures of boats and water today. Went over to Audi Stanton's house and talked art. Always great conversations.
I also walked and talked with Jean Gordon. So basically today I got caught up on housework, sun and friends. It was a good day.
I will get up in the morning to paint and then glazing the vases I made. I also need to hang my work at the Manley Art Center.
Afterwards, I need to head to beach to gather kelp for a potter who lives in Lincoln, California.
It is for a firing technique. I can't wait to see how he likes the results.
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