Friday, August 31, 2012

Lawn Ornament

"Lawn Ornament"  8x10 Oil on Canvas Board
I love going out before the sun goes down and painting the town. The sun sets fast and this means you need to be decisive, simplify and work fast. Here is my plein air painting from last Wednesday night  of a broken down pickup truck. Sad for then owner but  good for me. It meant he wasn't going to drive it away while I was painting it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Social Security Bar on the Chetco River

Here is a painting I did yesterday of the Social Security Bar on the Chetco River in Oregon. This is a great place to fish and, of course, paint.
"Social Security Bar"  8x10 Oil with palette knife on board

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Chetco River

Here is an oil painting I did from a photograph of the Chetco River yesterday while keeping the cat company.

"The Chromatic Chetco"  8x10 Oil with palette knife on board

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Painting The Town Plein Air Style

I have spent a few evenings painting the coastal houses in Oregon.  To beat the inevitable setting sun, you have to paint decisively and quick.  This isn't easy since there are constant distractions such as the irresistible,  friendly, big dogs with their owners, the  curious, chatty people passing by and, of course, the car you were painting suddenly being driven away.   This is part of the plein air experience.  I love the process.
As you can see I am basically managing to block in the lights and darks. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How To Display All Those Paint Studies?

Like most artists  I have a few stacks of paint studies in boxes, leaning up against the wall, hidden in drawers, in the garage, van, etc., etc., etc. I would like to organize and display them.   I found a website that showed how easy it is to build ledges.
I altered her design slightly.  I purchased a few feet of 4x1, 3x1, 1x1 primed molding, wood screws, finishing nails, wood glue and   paint to solve my problem. I had the hardware guy cut the molding to size so I didn't have to mess with the saw.
Friends, this was easy to make these ledges. The hardest part was waiting for the fog to lift so I could paint them.  Here is the picture that inspired me.

 Check out these shelves.
When I finish painting mine, I will post them.   It may take a while since  it is still foggy here.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chetco Bridge and Layers

I wanted to paint the Chetco Bridge with palette knife to see the effects of color with layers.  I enjoyed painting this 8x10 study.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Waiting - SOLD

I want to thank the art collector who bought this painting at the Winchuck Gardens and Nursery in Brookings, OR.
Thank you!
"Waiting"  - SOLD

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 5 - Smith River and 5 Days 5 River Plein Air Event

So it is finally the last day of the 5 Days and 5 Rivers Plein Air Event. I was waiting for the sun so I went to Audi Stanton's studio to paint another painting of the Chetco Bridge. Happiness.
Around 1:30  I met Kathy Huxley at the mouth of the Smith. It was overcast and no contrast. We walked the beach. saw otters, talked about art and God. We then decided to head home to our families.
What a wonderful week.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 4 - Winchuck River and the 5 Days 5 River Plein Air Event

Winchuck River Bridge
I headed out in the misty fog this morning and met at the other plein air artists at the Winchuck River. We started painting for about an hour and half. My paint would not stick to the canvas because of the mist.
I put up an umbrella and looked at all the white pits in my canvas. The paint would not stick.
I pulled out a gesso board to work with palette knife rather than the canvas on board. I used charcoal on my drawing,  tried to wipe the residue off and the charcoal smeared all over the gesso.The air was so thick with moisture I could not paint with oil.We all got in our cars and headed to Audi's studio to paint.  Much better.
I hope tomorrow is a dryer day.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 3 - Chetco River 5 Days 5 Rivers Plein Air Event

Today I painted with other plein air painters at the Chetco River. A few of us painted the bridge. It was too beautiful to resist. Afterwards, we headed to the port and painted a beautiful pink house.
 Chetco River Bridge

Chetco River Bridge
Port Pink House

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 2 - Pistol River Plein Air

I was almost blown away with my easel and art supplies by the high gust of winds on the Pistol River. It is the best place on the West Coast for wind surfing so that gives you some idea what me and other plein air artists were up against.
Kathy Huxley and I stuck it out because we are oil painters. (That's right. We are oil painters). The watercolor artists took cover  and some, after drawing their landscapes,  headed home.
It was fun despite being sand blasted and exposed to the strong wind gusts.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 1 Rogue River 5 Days 5 Rivers Plein Air

I had never painted at the Rogue River in Gold Beach, OR and I believe it is my new favorite place. I loved the location, scenery and people.  A picture paints a thousand words. 
Rogue River Bridge

Mary De Hume

My incomplete work. It fell into my palette during a wind gust so I had to scrape the sky.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cosmos are Fidgety Models

I went to a local nursery yesterday to paint. I fell in love with the cosmos. The problem was they followed the sun. Every time I looked up they were facing a different directions. So I finished them with a palette knife.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Emily, Again

Here is my portrait study today of Emily. What a perfect model.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Quick, Paint Something! The Sun Is Out!

The sun finally came out and I headed to Lone Ranch to paint the sisters. There were tourists, locals and buses filled with children. I had several people stop to look at my work. One father told his little girl it was like watching Bob Ross live as I painted.  I am still smiling.
Boy - that is one serious look on my face.

"The Sisters' 8x10 Palette knife on board

Monday, August 6, 2012

New Work At Manely Art Center In Brookings, OR

I am currently displaying art at the Manley Art Center. There are several plein air pieces and , of course, cats. If you get a chance, drop by and see all the other wonderful artists' work.
"The Oregon Trail" 8x10 Framed

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Repurposing Birdhouses, Watercolors and Fixing Paintings

I spent the last couple of days re purposing old art projects.  I have a couple of left over pottery bird houses I made and sold a few years ago.  I decided to  filled them with garden compost, added succulents, allyxum and nasturtiums.  I then displayed some on bamboo poles that I used from last years garden. They added a whimsical touch to this year's square foot garden.
Next, I learned how to re purpose some unsuccessful watercolors. ( I have a few of those, too). Audi Stanton taught me how to make boxes out of them.  Here is one example.  I love the look.
Lastly, I worked on a few oil paintings that needed some adjustments.  Here are some pictures. 
Oh and since I was out in my garden, I had to show off a mosaic piece I created with a cement block, broken china, and one of my raku salmon pieces that was accidentally broken. 
Does this give you any ideas of what you can re purpose?
Re Purposed watercolor painting made into a box

Red clay hand built bird house made into a planter with allyxum and succulents

Another red clay bird house made into a planter with nasturtiums added

Hanging birdhouse with driftwood and handmade clay beads made into a succulent planter

Mosaic stepping stone made with a  raku pottery salmon, beach rocks, glass, tiles and broken plates
Adjusted paintings drying in my easel

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Painting Something Whimsical

The only way to force your way  through an art rut is to keep painting. I have wanted to paint this for awhile so I thought I would have fun with it.  It is a whimsical piece I saw at the Winchuck Gardens and Nursery in Oregon.