I just finished four days of Advanced Techniques at the School of Light and Color. It was hard. It was hard because you are now taking all the information you know about color and taking it to an advanced level. I learned how to bend color. I learned brush stroke techniques, different methods for toning the canvas, advanced techniques for blocking in the values for a painting or study, how to use two different photos to create and paint a composition. I learned more about flowers, atmosphere, and backgrounds. I learned that the more you learn, the more you need to learn.
That to be a good colorist you must be a good tonalist but a good tonalist does not need to be a good colorist.
I am exhausted...
Here are two completed studies from the class. The other students did incredible work. Oh and Susan Sarback was, again, an outstanding and knowledgeable instructor. If you want to learn color and painting, her school is a must for all serious artist.
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