I can't believe I haven't posted in almost 20 days as the old saying goes, " Man plans. God Laughs".
There has been a series of storms here on the coast including 60 mph winds and torrential downpours. They don't bother me but the noise scares my 17 year old cat and she insists on being held. This makes it difficult to draw and paint as she screams and screams until I comfort her.
Basically, with the severe storms for that last three weeks , I haven't done much art. Instead, I have read a few books, including some art books, with my cat curled up on my lap.
I did manage to paint one day at the port with fellow painter, Kathy Huxley, but that was it for plein air painting this trip so far.

During a short break in the storm yesterday, my husband and I walked to the ocean. It was an usually low tide so we explored the tide pools and wrote in the sand. But we both swore, we could hear the cat screaming even from the beach. Poor kitty.