Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another Iris Color Study

I posted last week's iris color study where I painted it to a value and color stage. This is a finished piece of the iris setup.  The focal area is the iris in front of the vase. It is more defined than the rest of the painting.  It has more contrast, sharper edges and description.  The rest of the irises are soft and not has defined.  The background, shadow, vase and tabletop does not distract you. Your eyes should go the focal point. The front iris.
When adding color, you need to stand back at a viewing distance to ensure the color is showing but not in a sweet way - IE having too much chroma. You dab a color and step back. If it is readable and works, then you continue with that color. If not, mix, dab and try again. This is the same method with changing value.
I did not start with a transparent wash. Instead, I mixed my colors and carefully loaded my brush with paint  and used short brush strokes. This allowed  me to "layer" the color. This means you must think and be precise with each stroke so you can leave the colors underneath. It takes a lot of concentration.
Great lesson. Great instruction.
"Irises and  Vase Study" Oil On Canvas Sheet


silvia trujillo said...

Hi Eva Marie, this is lovely! Great to see all your work here! I live in Ashland now and need some fellow plein air painters to come and paint with me!

Eva Marie Tanner-Klaas said...

Silvia, I was just thinking about you. I live in Brookings, Oregon and there is a group of us who plein air paint. Do you have a plein air schedule?
So good to hear from you.
My husband wanted me to tell you we still have your beautiful paintings hanging in our beach house kitchen and the Fort Bragg painting is in our living room.

silvia trujillo said...

My schedule is to paint outdoors everyday, weather permitting. In the winter that doesn't happen as much as I would like, so it's a lot of studio work; mostly still life.
It would be so nice to see you again! I know of a few places where folks can stay the night here in town and of course I know the good spots to paint. Please email me: silvia@silviatrujillo.com
I go to Brookings now and then and would so enjoy meeting up with your group. Please say "hi" to your sweet hubby and thank him for me.... silvia

Eva Marie Tanner-Klaas said...

Sylvia, It sounds perfect. I will get in touch with you soon.